Relief Well Kill Simulations
For the kill simulations, the kill pumping rate is controlled, and a full dynamic kill operation is simulated. Pump rate is governed by controllers set on bottom hole pressure, maximum pump pressure and pump rate. The bottom hole pressure controller was set to a target pressure just above the estimated reservoir pressure.
This is done in the same way that an actual kill job would be controlled, by monitoring the pressure using a water filled drillpipe, or a similar arrangement, to avoid fracturing and losses during the kill operation. The intersection between the wells is simulated by opening a choke at the bottom of the relief well.
The simulation runs for these wells were set up as a network, with branch 1 as the relief well, branch 2 as the lower section of the blowout well below the kill point, and branch 3 as the upper part of the blowout well.
The following sketches show typical relief well trajectories used for intersection of the blowing well for typical Alpha wells and Beta wells. The actual kill point will depend on the scenario studied, but since all scenarios included in the report show high outflow rates, a low intersection point is assumed for all scenarios.