Robert M. Harvey, P.Eng.                                                                                          


B. Eng. (Civil), Memorial University of Newfoundland,                                                                                              

M. Eng (Ocean), Memorial University




Member, Association of Professional Engineers of Newfoundland

Member, Society for Risk Analysis

Member, Global Association of Risk Professionals

Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers (Founding Director, Atlantic Canada Section)

Member, Project Management Institute

Officer, Canadian Army (retired)




Risk Management

Specialist in risk assessment for deep water developments: projects including HSE safety case studies, quantitative risk assessments, risked cost-benefit analyses and project risk assessments. In addition, chair HAZID and HAZOP workshop planning and facilitation.


Management Experience

·          SIMOPs safety case development, risk analysis and HSE study for Angostura drilling, testing and production operations

·           Development of risk assessment process for API RP90 Sustained Casing Pressure

·           Quantitative risk assessment, GOM HPHT gas well, Woodside Energy

·           Risked CBA of trenching of seafloor for flowline protection and isolation valve on subsea gas flowline, White Rose Development, Husky Energy

·           Fire risk study (CFD modeling), Telemark Development, Norsk Hydro

·           Escape and evacuation study, Telemark Development, Norsk Hydro, and Angostura platforms

·           Dropped object study, Telemark Development, Norsk Hydro, and Frade Field Development, Chevron

·           Smoke and fire modeling (CFD model development), Angostura process platform

·           Evaluation of operational and HSE risks related to GOM deep-water exploration operations, JNOC

·           Project risk management procedures development, Petro-Canada exploration and production operations offshore eastern Canada

·           Quantitative risk assessment of jack-up operations on Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Chevron Canada

·           Project and operational risk management for Terra Nova subsea completions, Petro-Canada,

·           Project risk management study, Mardi Gras Development, BP

·           Risk-based drilling unit selection, Faeroe Islands deep water drilling program, BP, Aberdeen

·           Risk analysis of leak detection system on Angostura export pipeline, BHP Billiton

·           Underground diamond mine QRA, Northwest Territories, Canada, BHP Billiton


Petroleum Engineering

Extensive regulatory experience related to well licensing and monitoring; well design, drilling program development, and preparation of AFEs for offshore and onshore wells (including HPHT), wellsite supervisor, contract manager for subsea equipment installation, wellsite drilling engineer for extended reach wells (offshore) and slimhole wells (onshore), heavily involved in removal of sunken Ocean Ranger semi-submersible and clearing seafloor of wreckage.


Petroleum Engineering Experience

·         Management of Well Operations Group for licensing and monitoring more than 50 offshore wells

·         Management of subsea tree, templates and manifold installation contract, Terra Nova field, Petro-Canada.

·         Development of well integrity standard, ADMA-OPCO, Abu Dhabi

·         Development of drilling programs for offshore HPHT gas wells,

·         Development of Drilling Equipment Standards for Offshore Drilling Operations, CNOPB, St. John’s

·         Design and development of application for regulatory approval for exploration well, eastern Canada

·         Offshore drilling engineer for extended reach development wells, Oseberg Platform, Norway

·         QA Manager, Thunder Horse Engineering Authority, BP

·         Senior on-site federal representative for Ocean Ranger wreckage removal operations, debris clearing

·         Shorebased drilling engineer for subsea exploration wells, Petro-Canada, eastern Canada

·         Wellsite supervisor, remote slimhole exploration well, eastern Canada