Education and Professional Affiliations
1978 - 1981 University of Lancaster - Ph.D Engineering
1977 - 1978 University of Cambridge - Advanced Course in Production Methods and Management
1974 - 1977 University of Lancaster - BSc Engineering (2.1 with Honours)
Professional Societies: Institute of Electrical Engineers, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Society of Petroleum EngineersWork History
Copsegrove Developments Ltd. Mar. 1991 to present - Consultant Drilling Engineer. Steve set up his own consulting company in 1991 and is currently working for major North Sea Operators on (1) directional survey analysis which has entailed developing specialist directional survey analysis software and (2) writing procedure and technical manuals. Steve has worked as a consultant to the John Wright Company since 1991.Koninklijke/Shell Exploratie en Produktie Laboratorium, Rijswijk, The Netherlands. Dec. 1980 - Research Engineer in Drilling Section and Investigation leader for Borehole Surveying Project
Shell International Petroleum Maatschappij B.V. The Hague, The Netherlands. Sept. 1986 - Operations Engineer
Shell UK Exploration and Production, Aberdeen Scotland. July 1987 - Drilling and Equipment Engineer
Shell UK Exploration and Production, Lowestoft, England. Nov. 1988 - Drilling Engineer
After completing his PhD, Steve joined Shell at the Research labs. in the Netherlands. Here he worked in the Drilling Research Section. The main work was on Borehole Surveying and became the Shell expert on the subject. The object was to improve surveying in Shell's operations world wide and one result was the Shell Borehole Surveying Manual. An extension of the work was the application of surveying, homing-in and directional drilling techniques in relief well drilling for blow outs. He has been involved in the planning of a number of relief wells, often when Shell provided assistance to outside companies, and have been to the Far East, South America and Wyoming to provide on-site assistance for relief well drilling.
Besides the surveying and relief well speciality, he received Shell training for wellsite operations petroleum engineering. In Aberdeen, his work as a Drilling Equipment Engineer gave a broader experience of drilling equipment, techniques and operations with special responsibility for land rigs and offshore mobile rigs.
The work in Lowestoft was initially in obtaining drilling equipment for the start of the Sole Pit gas field. This involved defining, specifying, developing and procuring mudline suspension, template, wellheads, risers and other drilling equipment. It included the interfaces of the jacket and decks with pre-drilled wells on the template. I have been acting as Duty Operations Engineer and taking responsibility for drilling equipment for the Shell Lowestoft. I was also involved with the Sole Pit 'Clone' well which involved using relief well drilling techniques to drill a production well from the Clipper platform into an abandoned highly productive exploration well.
IADC/SPE 11382. "Calculation of NMDC Length Required for Various Latitudes Developed from Field Measurements of Drill String Magnetisation" By S J Grindrod and C J M Wolff, presented at the IADC/SPE 1983 Drilling Conference held in New Orleans.
"The Influence and Measurement of Harmonics on an Industrial System", By Dr. D A Bradley and Dr S J Grindrod, presented at the Third International Conference on Sources and Effects of Power System Disturbances in May 1982.