Background: An R&D project was undertaken to validate a well-connect concept named the Connector-Conductor wells. The initial planning phase included extensive testing of the enabling ranging technology at John Wright Company facilities. After deeming the ranging technology suitable, an existing offshore well jacket located in southeast Asia, in 5.1m of water and 1.3km from shore, was identified as a good candidate for field validation of the concept. In late December, 2006, the Connector Well was spudded with the intention of drilling from land to hydraulically connect to the Conductor Well.


  • To prove the Connector-Conductor wells concept for implementation in future projects, via: achieving close intersection with existing well and achieving hydraulic connection between the Connector Well and Conductor Well.
  • Sustaining sufficient flow through the connection.
Methodology: The proposed plan was to drill directionally toward the Conductor Well and by-pass it at a radial distance of less than 40 cm, which would be accomplished by electromagnetic ranging. Two electromagnetic-ranging systems was necessary, namely: Single Wire Ranging (SWR) used from <220m MD from target and Rotating Magnetic Ranging Service (RMRS) used from a depth of <45m MD from target. Subsequently to bypassing and setting 7” liner, short perforation guns would be run in the Connector Well, which would perforate the 7” liner close to the by-pass point without perforating the Conductor Well 7” liner. This would allow squeezing resin into the formation surrounding the two wellbores, which would be done to improve formation integrity and making the sand impermeable. Long perforation guns would then be run in the Connector Well with the intention of perforating the Conductor Well, enabling a hydraulic connection between the two well.

Special Services  John Wright Company and Vector Magnetics was contracted to develop and test the ranging technology prior to the field trial. Subsequently, JWCO supervised the special services required for the Connector-Conductor wells project. This included on-site supervision of directional drilling, surveying and casing detection.

  • The successful intersection of the Conductor Well with the Connector was accomplished according to plan
  • By-pass within specified proximity (< 40 cm) and by-pass occurred in the correct sand (±1.5m TVD window)
  • Hydraulic connection between the two wells was confirmed.
  • The Connector-Conductor Wells concept was validated and deemed suitable for future projects.
  • Confirmation that electromagnetic ranging can be used to achieve a well by-pass with high accuracy.
  • Lessons learnt that can be passed on to other future connector-conductor wells projects

                                                                               Southeast Asia 2006